Starting a New Business
– in Norway
Norway – an innovative country
The government is focused on establishing new businesses: “Norway shall be one of the most innovative countries in the world, where resourceful and creative enterprises and people are given opportunities to develop profitable business.”
Get helpers
There are several instruments which in different ways can help during the process leading to self-employment, and furthermore help you with all possible questions in the years thereafter. Among these “helpers” are primarily public instances which register businesses and motivate national growth. They can help you in different ways. From the start it will certainly be essential to do things right and also that you do the right things.
We even provide a toll free number to the Business Information Service which you may call to be supported with the latest updates and practical guidance.
This guide will provide comments and additional information to the official information and guides that are also included in the article.
Contents of the full article
- Introduction
- Clarifications
- Planning
- The Business Plan
- Form of incorporation
- Permissions
- Clarifications and tips
- Establishment
- Growth
- Glossary